
watch over أمثلة على


  1. He who now watches over her, would cherish her as his wife.
    والذي هو مكلف بحراستها يتمناها كزوجته
  2. If you watch over there, you'll see the sun come up.
    لو نظرتى من هنا سترى الشمس تشرق
  3. God bless you and watch over you till we are joined in the hereafter.
    ...... فليباركك الله .....
  4. Now we send forth Jen. Watch over his dangerous quest.
    والآن سوف نرسل جن احمه في مسعاه الخطر
  5. Someone to watch over her, to keep her out of trouble.
    واحد يراقب تحركاتها, ويبقيها بعيدا عن المتاعب.
  6. المزيد من الجملة   التالية
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